Hello Evie!
Tomorrow you will be 4 months old! Seriously, you are growing up so fast, please stop!
This past month has been SO FUN with you! Your personality just gets bigger everyday, you constantly just get happier and more alert and aware of what's around you. You will let anyone hold you, and you just flash that big ol' grin at them like they're your best friend!
One of my favorite little things that you do is the way you always cross your ankles and hold your hands together. It's unbelievably cute.
You hit some big milestones this month! At the beginning of the month, I went in to check on you after you had falled asleep, and you were snoozing away, perfectly content, on your side. I can't believe you have the strength to do this! Earlier that evening, we were playing in your room, and you laughed for the first time!
The next morning you put your hands up, grabbed onto your bottle, and fed yourself for a few minutes. Mostly we still hold your bottles for you still, but as the month has gone on, you do it more it more! 3 milestone in about a 12 hour span!
We also took you to the Birmingham Museum of Art for your first museum visit! We had a great time, you loved it, I'm sure. Your daddy and I love art museums, so I'm sure this will be the first of many trips :
Me and you at the Peanut Depot on Morris Ave. I love this picture of us. I can't wait to take you there when you get older (barring a peanut allergy!)
This photo was taken just a couple days after your 3 month birthday. You've been able to lock your knees and stand like this since you were about 8 weeks old (which is incredible), but look at you balancing without us holding you! Evie I can't believe how strong you are. Your Nan always asks you, "don't you know how old you are?" You just seem so ahead of the curve!
We also took you out for your first ball game! We went to see the Birmingham Barons at their brand new field. It's so funny, you had the best time, you didn't fuss at all, except for during the 5 seconds that this photo was being taken. You silly little girl.
Your daddy turned 30 years old this month too! I made this silly shirt for you to wear when we surprised him for lunch that day.
To go along with you holding your bottle, there is no doubt that you have discovered your hands and what they're capable of. Sometimes we sit down on the floor in your nursery and read books, and suddenly you started reaching out for the pages. It was really neat to see you do that for the first time!
You love your little pink hot rod, and one day while you were sitting in it, you started looking at the lights, pressing buttons, and spinning the things on the rear view mirrors. You little smarty pants.
You still nap with your appendages flying every which way.
You haven't quite mastered pushing yourself all the way up yet, but with a little bit of my help you can maintain this for a little while. The problem is that you HATE being on your belly!! One night this month you were screaming in your sleep in the middle of the night, so your dad went to check on you. When he found you, you had managed to flip on onto your tummy, with all of your arms and legs kicked out of your swaddle and sticking through the slats in your crib, and you were screaming bloody murder. Poor thing (but pretty funny!)

I think you're showing the early signs of teething too! You're a little bucket of drool (although I called it sugars, your daddy disagrees!), you constantly have your hands in your mouth, but you're not very fussy. Which you hardly ever are. You really are the best baby ever. How did I get so lucky?! You also love to grab any kind of fabric that you can get your hands on, whether it's my shirt, your bib, burp cloth, or Miss Bunny, and shove it in your mouth.

Last week I took you down to Brookwood Hospital for the NICU Reunion. I think it's so sweet that they do this. Those first few days were so crazy, we were both in such rough shape, and those wonderful doctors and nurses took care of you when I wasn't physically able to! This is you and Dr. DiCarlo at the reunion, he's the nicest man. The day you were admitted to the NICU and we were down there visiting you for the first time, he came in and gave us all of the info on your situation and how you were doing and how he was going to get you better! The day we were discharged, he came up to my room and discharged you there instead of downstairs in the NICU. So glad I was able to get your picture together, he was a pretty important part of your life those first few crucial days!

Last photo in this post, you hanging out on your daybed in your boppy. I just love how your little ankles are crossed and you're doing that thing where you lift up your head to the point that it's like you're doing crunches! A few days ago we photographed your nursery for a fun new magazine that mommy has been working on called Fresh Style. Fancy that little Ev, you're going to be in print!
What an amazing month it has been with you my sweet little girl. So excited for what this 4th month of your life will bring. Me and you have so much fun together, whether we're hanging out here at home or hitting the town. I just love you so much, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me!