My sweet baby girl! You are are laying in my arms right now, and your tiny body is fighting off one nasty stomach bug. It's been eating its way through Helena and it took a bite out of you!
Daddy is at church, it's the night before your first Halloween and we have been so looking forward to the big youth group party! I was going to dress you up as your daddy, it was a top-secret costume. I couldn't wait to show you off and make everyone laugh!
But instead, we're here:
You threw up your entire bottle this afternoon while at Yaya's house. Lots of gagging and dry-heaving since, and I can't keep anything in you. If you don't have a wet diaper by 11:00 tonight, we'll have to take you up to the ER and get you re-hydrated.
This is one of the hardest things I've had to go through as your mommy. I can tell you feel so awful, and you're so pitiful in my arms. Selfishly, I love the snuggles, but I'll gladly trade them in for your usual happy self! And I don't totally love being covered in your stomach bile puke...or smelling it in your hair ;)
I'll stay awake all night with you and do whatever I have to do till you are better. Your grandparents are so worried about you! Papa John went to get you Pedialyte while Yaya held you while you slept...
And Nan and Grandaddy have already offered to come over and sit with us while we wait for daddy to come home.
And your Aunt Ruth is so sweet, she said you can trick or treat at her house after you feel better!
Love you my sweet, perfect little girl.