Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hello Evie!

Hello Sweet Evalyn June!
It's Cinco de Mayo! It's 4:30 in the morning. And I am wide awake! A year ago your daddy and I went to see the Avengers and we ate churros con chocolat...yesterday you were 9 weeks old! What a difference a year makes! Last June, when we realized you were growing in my belly, a time of crazy insomnia started in my life. From the first night I knew you were there, I stayed awake all night long, praying to God that the opportunity to meet you and know you would come to fruition. Even after the 12 week mark I prayed it. I prayed it every night. When you were born, I thought that I would wake up for your night time feedings then go right back to sleep, but rarely does that happen! I still lay awake many hours during the night, thinking mostly of you (and your daddy too!). I thank God for another day with my new little family, I pray for a long and healthy life for us all so your daddy and I can watch you grow and see what you become, for peace in being a stay-at-home mom, for patience in life in general, for guidance in this new stage of my life...I pray a lot!

During these sleepless nights I also think of all of the ways I can capture your life. It feels like I was just in the hospital meeting you face-to-face for the first time, and now you're working your way to 3 months old! I have ordered lots of photos and bought lots of scrapbooking supplies so I can make a big book that documents your sweet life, but it's really hard to sit down and work on that sometimes--you keep me very busy! So during this particular sleepless night, I decided to get out of bed, sit on the couch, and start this little blog. This isn't my first blog, I don't have a fantastic track record of keeping up with them! But this is the blog I feel most inspired to write. You inspire and amaze me every single day little Evie. You have given "love" a whole new meaning. I understand life and the unconditional love Christ has for us so much better now. Your daddy and I stare at you sleeping in your crib at night and say over and over again "she is so beautiful!!" because I honestly thing that we sometimes can't even believe that YOU are OURS!!

So here goes Miss Evie. I never want to forget a second that I spend with you. You are my life. I love you more than I can even understand.


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