Tuesday, September 3, 2013


One of the recent trending stories is that the word "selfie" just officially made its way into the dictionary.

Me and you take a lot of selfies. Here are some of my faves! 

Last week while we were having a lazy afternoon and watching old episodes of The Amazing Race.

Yesterday evening while we were playing on the bed. That smile you gave the camera! Can't get over it.

This morning at the Starbucks in Target, special occasion because it was the return of the much-loved Pumpkin Spice Latte! I didn't like coffee a whole lot while I was pregnant with you, and I remember I even tried to force these down a couple mornings last fall, just for the sake of the season, but I couldn't really get them down! I also got a free one this morning because while I was trying to take this pic, you knocked over the cup! A little bit spilled, and the nice barista gave me a whole new one for free! 

Taken Sunday afternoon after Daddy and I had been in Atlanta all weekend. We missed you so much!! 

At your first Gymboree class a couple weeks ago. You loved that maraca! 

Snuggling with me while you were sick last month.

Snoozing at Kamin's pool last month. Didn't know it yet, but this was when you started getting sick. :( 

Being a bad mom and letting you gnaw on a Popsicle when you were not even 5 months old! It was a Sweet Tea Pop from Steele City Pops, I really couldn't deny you the deliciousness, then I'd REALLY be a bad mom!

Playing on your nursery floor while you enjoyed one of your frozen fruit-sicles!

About to head out for an afternoon on the town. I think we are pretty cool duo, kid!! 

The day the future King George of England was born! I drank my coffee from my royal wedding mug while we watched the coverage on the Today Show. 

One of my favorites from earlier this summer. It's true, I love you very much!! 

Snuggling after a loooong week of freelance photo shoots! It was the same week I turned 29, and I sent you off with Nan a lot during that week so I could get some work done :( I really missed you! Felt so good to be on the other side of that assignment and spend some quality time with my favorite little lady!

We have so much fun together. I cherish all of these little moments with you so much my sweet girl!!


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